How did I get into film? … Good question… I suppose ever since I was a kid I always wanted to be involved in the art of telling stories. I loved watching movies and cartoons and reading stories but also being read to. My parents signed me up for as many acting classes as I could find (and beg for!) and my passion for acting grew stronger.
In High School I became fully immersed in the arts; acting in the bi yearly plays. singing in the seasonal concerts, and dancing at the Talent Shows. Soon after in college I got involved in student shorts and have been super lucky to be involved in numerous film projects (such as web content, music videos, and features) ever since. I’ve also participated in the 48 Hour Film Festival in Toronto with Dead Plumber Pictures; “Nobody’s Trophy” and “Riley Ludwig, Salesman” which you can view above!
When it comes to Slinger Pictures, I have had the honour of working with them not once, not twice, but thrice! The comedy/horror feature film that takes place in the humble city of Kingston, Ontario, (Sir John A and the Curse of the Anti-Quenched, I know, it’s a mouthful), the music video that was filmed in Ottawa with the ridiculously talented band, Lions Leading Sheep, and the film festival short winner, Getting Away!